14 february 2020




The National Security Service of RA, being faithful to the principle of being open and transparent to the public as much as possible, as well as having received in the website of YSU a feedback about the publication of 14 February 2020 from the Faculty of Law, its academic council, as well as the feedback from the student council of the mentioned faculty, deems appropriate to inform that the NSS report didn’t state that the lecturer of specifically the Law Faculty had received the money and been detained, which can be confirmed, if so wished, through second reading of the text of the report.

The report didn’t have any aim to tarnish the reputation of the honored teaching staff and students of YSU Faculty of Law.

While welcoming the readiness declared by the scientific council of the faculty to carry out consistent fight against occurrences and manifestations of corruption and taking it under advisement, we think it is worth to reaffirm that the National Security Service of RA will anyway continue the implementation of functions, vested upon it by the law, aimed at countering corruption and will continue an uncompromising fight against it.

Refraining from the dispute around the formulations – about expressing  legal correctness and certainty, ensuring presumption of innocence – used in the comments in the website of YSU, we deem appropriate to note that in the National Security Bodies of RA a proceeding is conducted in strict compliance with the Criminal Procedure Code of RA, and, exactly due to the respect for the institute of the presumption of innocence, the service refrains from publishing the concrete positions and other identifying information of the persons who have committed alleged crimes, but doesn’t see any constraint to inform the public about the existence of factual data indicating the lecturer of other faculty of the Yerevan State University received money, through competent individuals he was acquainted with,  to ensure that the student of the Faculty of Law would receive positive grades for ongoing exams.

We also deem necessary to note that, within the framework of the case initiated in the Investigation Department of the RA NSS, according to the corresponding articles of the Criminal Code of RA, at the moment there are no detainees, and the criminal case has been referred, in the manner prescribed by law, to the RA Prosecutor General’s Office to be investigated in other investigative body, according to investigative subordination; in the course of the preliminary investigation the actions of the persons who have committed an alleged crime will be  accordingly assessed under criminal law.